Monday, 22 August 2011

Random acts of kindness and other lovely stuff.

Recently I have been overwhelmed by both small and large acts of sweetness and generosity from friends, family and total strangers.

I have had gifts in the post from amazing far away friends just to cheer me up. Gestures large and small from friends nearby. And to top it all off this week, a BIG thing (to me) from a perfect stranger that has just about reduced me to a hormonal gibbering wreck of gratitude.

I hope I can do enough to 'pay it forward'. I feel very cushioned and coddled by the universe at the moment, lots of nice things keep happening.

Tra la la.

IN OTHER NEWS I've had a lovely day with the Chums and the mindees, they all did Big Art on the patio with chalks, which the rain has now sadly washed away, there's been minimal fighting and the toddlers have been adorable as ever.

Both mindees were sitting on a chair together like two bookends (they are very similar but completely unrelated), babbling away in toddler speak and CACKLING like drains at whatever they were telling each other. It was fascinating. Although of course the minute I tried to catch them on camera they stopped. I think they were plotting to take over the world. They should enlist The Pie into their schemes, I'm sure that's her aim in life. If she had a moustache she would twirl it.

Oh, and randomly, here is a lovely photo of my wonderful parents, just because I saw it earlier and it made me happy:

Peace and love, amigos xx

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