Sunday, 21 August 2011

Laziness = GREAT. Enforced laziness on the other hand SUCKS ARSE.


I am a huge fan of doing very little. I make it an art form most of the time, in fact. Given the choice between doing something constructive and sitting on my bottom watching tv, well, you get the idea.

But today I have WANTED to do loads. I'm in a sort of nesting mood but without the useful bursts of energy that usually coincide. I'm also a massive control freak, I dont' know if I mentioned that.

So I have had to endure watching the Rock God weed the garden, do the washing, cook dinner, generally bustle himself around the house  doing it all ever so slightly wrong and not as quickly as I would have done it.

I kept getting pangs of guilt and uselessness so tried to help, only to be told firmly to sit down and relax and that he had it all under control. Which he really, really did. He's done a fantastic job and I've done precisely nothing.

But I'm bored. And ratty.

And there's still a really long list of things that I want to do, none of which I'm allowed to (hoovering and putting the old pc up in the loft, for eg).

I'll console myself with Ben and Jerry's Phish Food.

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