Sunday, 18 September 2011

What we have achieved this weekend.....

I love weekends, I may have mentioned that.

This weekend we have managed to fit in LOADS of 'doing what we want' stuff as well as 'stuff that needed doing' stuff. The BEST sort of weekend, I think.

The Boy had his first football match of the season yesterday, fortunately for me I can delegate this. Don't get me wrong, I am as proud as punch of my budding Premiership player, and like watching him play. But I like being at home in the warm more. So the Rock God got to stand in the rain cheer him on while the Pie and I watched Fantasia and drew fashion designs in the warm. We even had the heating on. Lovely.

Then, in the afternoon, the Rock God ventured into the loft and brought down some of his most precious possessions. The Star Wars Toys Of His Childhood. You can add in your own fanfare/choir of angels effect here. This was a Big Deal.

Most impressive.

So that was HOURS of fun, and The Chums only argued over whose turn it was for Yoda a couple of times, so a pretty successful afternoon was had by all.

Then we had our lovely friends round for HOT curry, which thankfully arrived on time and correct so I didn't have to do any crying or anything. It was awesome, lovely food and brilliant company.

So Saturday was a very good day.

Onto Sunday. I woke up after a FULL night's sleep (hurrah!) in a really good mood, after a very exciting dream where the Rock God was actually Superman and was flying around saving people. My hero <swoon>.

I have done loads of tidying, sorting out and decluttering again today (nesting?) and also managed to have an hour long bath while reading Percy Jackson (these books are GOOD, by the way, we got them for The Boy for his birthday and I'm on book four already, great fun).

We've also managed to sort out (sort of) the front garden, otherwise known as the wilderness/the jungle/the weed get the idea. Unfortunately, we are a bit crap and vastly underestimated how much slate we'd need to fill the edge in so it's still a work in progress.
Anyway, it looks a million times better than it did and we'll buy some more slate tomorrow. This is just a quick fix until we can bulldoze the lot and pave it into a big double driveway <dreams>.

So it's now teatime, RG is making meatballs, The Boy is building Diagon Alley and The Pie is watching Lemonade Mouth for the third time.

I am relaxing and thinking cervix opening kind of thoughts. I have interesting backache, that could be labour, right? RIGHT?

<drives self mad with phantom symptom spotting>


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Dear Diary....

Gawd, sorry chums. I have been really slack at blogging this last week or so. I'll give you a rundown of the past few days' interesting and exciting happenings to make up for it, if that's ok.

So. Friday. The start of The Boy's Birthday Weekend Extravanza. He had asked for a camping sleepover for his ninth birthday, but as a) I'm literally about to give birth, b) our garden isn't very big and c) my parents are wonderful human beings, Mum and Dad hosted it at their house (hurrah!).

The invasion of children began at tea time. They marauded round the garden, demolished FIVE Domino's pizzas (half price, oh yes indeed) and assorted fizzy drinks, and then my dad lit the fire and we all made s'mores again.

It was BRILLIANT. At about nine pm we got them into pjs and hussled them into the tents, and then (the best bit) I went to bed. My Dad stayed on tent watch until about midnight, which was when the Rock God got in from his gig (we had double booked, with our usual level of organisational skill <oops>) and took over.

I think they had just about gone to sleep by then, and were up with the sunrise at 5.45.

It was a very successful, minimal effort (and minimal cost) party. Highly recommended. The Boy says it was the Best Party Evah™, so high praise indeed.

Onto SATURDAY. We tried to keep it low key as The Chums were pretty much exhausted. We watched Rango, which was SO not a kids' film, but very funny. Then in the evening we all went to a party that the Rock God was playing at. The Boy spent the evening running around like a child possessed, but The Pie flaked by about 8pm, and I wasn't far behind.

Sleepy Pie

SUNDAY. It was my Aunt's 60th birthday. We were invited to a Tea Party for her, which was gorgeous. All 'Keep Calm and Carry On' and Cath Kidston prints, and scones and sarnies. Very twee, very lovely and very Aunt. I had awesome plans for a hot curry on the way home, but it turns out three jam and cream scones, six sandwiches and three cupcakes is about my limit for stuffing myself. Who knew?


And then yesterday was The Boy's actual birthday. We got him Lego Diagon Alley, which cost about the same as a small family car and has about three million pieces. So that'll keep him occupied for the next six months. Or not. He's started building it already, which involves telling his sister to sort out all the pieces and pick up the rubbish while doing all the fun building himself. She thinks she's getting to play with him, little realising she's doing all the shitwork. He's happy, she's happy. Genius.

For dinner yesterday my very awesome mother cooked us an epic roast and all fourteen of us (four generations of family) squeezed round the two dining tables for the feast. I have to say that while my family drive me batshit crazy much of the time, I do love it when we all get together for meals. It's like The Waltons meets The Mansons. We bicker and squabble and get VERY loud, but there's a hell of a lot of love there.

Right, I have wittered enough for today, the mindees are sleeping and I have Extreme Lolling (the lazy arse kind, not the laugh out loud kind) on the sofa to be getting on with. Three more days of work after today and then I am officially on maternity leave for four weeks and will start the 'Get This Baby Out' plan in earnest.

Big love xx

Saturday, 3 September 2011

My Takeaway Nightmare

I was really looking forward to a hot takeaway curry last night. I mean REALLY. I'd justified it by dressing it up as a 'lets get labour started' trick, but really I was just hankering for one.

I have been dreaming about juicy king prawns, hot madras sauce, greasy bhajis and warm chapatis for DAYS. Is there anything better for the soul than a takeaway on a friday night? I think not, my friends.

So, imagine my very real distress when they ballsed up the order and sent us two prawn madras instead of my one king prawn madras.

Oh the humanity <sob>. I was perilously close to actual tears, I won't lie.

I sat and ate bahjis and watched everyone else eat their delicious and correct curries while we waited for the (very contrite) restaurant bod to come and replace my miserable teeny tiny flavourless prawn curry for my FAT king prawn extravanza.

Fortunately he arrived before hysteria set in. And all was right with the world again.

But it was a close run thing.
